Design × Publishing
How to survive and score in a digital world
Wether you prefer the classical myth of Theseus and the Minotaur or Namco’s Pac-Man, they are all about fear, orientation and survival. Not only do we have to deal with complexity and speed today, we also have to cope with the problems that prevent us from achieving our goals as well as the fear of facing those problems.
What is Design × Publishing?
Design × Publishing is a one of a kind approach to tackle discrepancies in the publishing branch. Rather than focussing on visual problems of design only, Design × Publishing demands that marketing, planning and tech aspects are integrated in a holistic solution.
Design × Publishing is a Seminar
Design × Publishing is taught at university level to equip students with necessary skills to solve critical problems or accompany publishers during digital transformation processes.
During the seminar students reflect on form, production and marketing of printed matter. The goal is to find out how those have to be changed or fine-tuned in regard to digital transformation.
Under creative direction the students learn to analyse and solve problems through design. Completing their own projects, students experience a full cycle from conception to product presentation.
Design × Publishing is a Service
Often the answer to a problem is confused by a first person angle. fig. 1 By systematically laying out production, marketing and distribution structures first, an overview fig. 2 is gained.
By looking at problematic areas from different angles potential solutions are discovered. An analysis of products, customers and competitors assists in focussing on the specifics of a solution.
Design × Publishing can help your business by discovering the potential of changes small and large. Refined workflows, automated processes and differently allocated budgets are changes a design process can conclude with.
A mere online presence or new product alone are not economically viable designs. Projects gain from the design process by making the integration into your business plan, tech infrastracture and marketing strategy a must have.
From a top down perspective a labyrinth is much easier to navigate, because you can immediately see wether there are two exit routes or just one. You are able to plan ahead before you actually reach intersections. You may also compare different routes or come to the conclusion that following down a path is not worth it at all
Design × Publishing is a Form of Creative Direction
A mere online presence or new product alone are not economically viable designs. Projects gain from the design process by making the integration into your business plan, tech infrastracture and marketing strategy a must have.
A design proposal should not only answer how the reader is going to engage with the product, but also how the product connects the reader with your publishing house. Therefore analysing your means of production, organization and communication are important part of each design process.